
Tuesday, March 23, 2004

UPDATE: You can hear a radio broadcast on Isaiah Berlin, prompted by the release of the first volume of his letters (see below) by clicking on the link here. (The portion on Berlin begins around 13 minutes in). A fairly good interview with the Irish novelist John Banville, who nicely conveys the excitement of Berlin's work (and commends Berlin's biography on Karl Marx, which I'm now re-reading with increased admiration and interest). On the other hand, if I hear the Irving Berlin/Isaiah Berlin story one more time ...
UPDATE II: Reviews of Flourishing -- thus far consistently positive -- continue to come out. There are particularly good ones in the Sunday Telegraph [registration required, but free] by Noel Malcolm (himself the editor of Hobbes' correspondence), by Derwent May in the Times (the opening description of Berlin is particularly good); there is also one in the Daily Telegraph by Andrew Marr, which seems not to be available online yet -- but watch this space.

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